Measuring accuracy of 0.3 mm/m in normal position and 0.75 mm/m in inverted position. Walls are thicker, strengthened with ribs outside and walls inside, hereby increasing their rigidity and resistance to deformation.
Horizontal vial with fluores- cent background allows measuring also in places lacking the light.
Example of order: EXACTA spirit level with 3 vials, 120 cm, milled, with hand - holds and a hanger: order code LAP3 120 FRO
Beside usual measurements, the inclination can be measured with assistance of a digital electronic sensor in the region from 0° to 360°. Display selection for the measured values is expressed in °, %, and mm/m. Display on LCD monitor in steps of 0.1° or 0.1% or 1 mm/m. Digital display of the necessary vial movement to reach the inclination 0°or 90°.
Switch on and off of a warning signal for the measured value 0°and 90°, in all modes of display. Measured values are saved with the HOLD button. The electronic part is calibrated simply and quickly. Accuracy 0.1° in the area 0° to +/- 10° and 90° to +/- 10°, in other areas 0.2°. Automatic switch off in 6 minutes if inclination modification is not higher than 1.4°. Loading: battery 9V – standard (alkaline), in delivery scope, duration: 500 working hours. Packaging in a strong, transparent, plastic tube. Lengths: 60 cm and 80 cm. Illustrative Order: EXACTA ELECTRONIC spirit level, length 60 cm: LAP2060E